Thursday, February 14, 2019
Room KOL-G-220
Luca Bösch & Cerstin Mahlow, BFH
MoodleNet sustainably empowers communities of educators to share and learn from each other to improve quality of education. It is a new open social media platform for educators, focused on professional development and open content. It will be an integral part of the Moodle ecosystem.
Project MoodleNet is in Beta phase now (Q1 2019) and will turn productive in Q2 2019.
This is no real "tutorial" session as this is a brand new approach and lacks real world experience. However, by gaining access to test accounts and having followed the development of this project idea since the beginning, we are able to bring this concept nearer to people who usually don't attend Moodle Moots.
Presentation of MoodleNet, the pedagogical idea behind it, its roadmap, use cases and the technical background (if that matters).
Live demo and a Q&A session with the project lead working at Moodle, Doug Belshaw.