
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Room KOL-G-209
2 x 45 minutes

13h30-14h10 / 14h20-15h00:

Robots for tertiary education

Anne-Dominique Salamin & Christophe Hadorn, HES-SO

What could humanoid robots like NAO bring to tertiary education? What is this workshop about?

Participants of this workshop will interact with a humanoid robot called NAO, see a demo and discuss waht for and how this kind of device could be used in future tertiary education.

CyberNAO project intends to pair students and robots and see how they cooperate and benefit from each other.

Why participating at this workshop?

Digitisation of universites is a key reflection in the coming years in Europe and Switzerland. New devices, innovative technologies, new ways of interacting and learning are part of this process.

Enslab (Enhanced Student Laboratory), the applied research laboratory of HES-SO Cyberlearn conducts researches on how innovative technologies will impact tertiary education.

Do students learn, interact, perform better when using such innovative devices? Under what conditions? These are some of the research questions Enslab works on.


15h30-16h10 / 16h20-17h00:

HuRo – My special assistant in higher education

Ricarda T.D. Reimer & Silvan Flückiger, PH FHNW

Humanoid robots (HuRo) are becoming more socially interactive with humans. As such, they open up new possibilities in social and profesisonal life. The use of humanoid robots in teaching creates new challenges and opportunities for teaching staff as well as for students. Using this technology is not only a matter of acquiring technical skills, it demands also a profound discussion about ethical and social changes and responsibilities.

In this tutorial we will present some of the robots already used in higher education and demonstrate their basic skills and applications (voice, face and emotion recognition, range of motions, edutainment). The participants will ahve the ability to interact individually with the robots. In doing so, they will experience the actual technical possibilities about robots in education in order to bring up some of the topics and positions in the current pulbic and scientific discourse. To facilitate this discussion, we will divide the group. Each group will focus on one aspect of the topic and work out a short position paper, thus insuring the overall topic is discussed from different perspectives.