eduhub days 2017


  • Twitter: #eduhubdays17
  • February 9 & 10, 2017
  • Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)


After the conference


E-assessment from vision to practice: exploring new scenarios

Educational institutions use technology for teaching and learning – but for assessing? Electronic exams have a great potential for enhancing competence-based, authentic exams. They also promise a more flexible and individual handling of assessments. But when it comes to digitalisation of exams, a lot of technical, security and efficiency aspects come up: Which devices to use, how to deal with online cheats, what to do with legal constraints. Besides that, a big variety of diagnostic and formative assessment formats enrich didactics and provide great possibilities for new teaching and learning models.

At the eduhub days 2017 we would like to showcase new e-assessment scenarios, discuss best practices with technology and share experiences with examination formats like e-portfolios and open collaborative settings.

Jürgen Handke from Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany and Geoffrey Crisp, from University of New South Wales, Australia will offer inspiring keynotes on and provide new inputs on e-assessment from outside of the Swiss academia.


© SWITCH / Illustration: Christoph Frei


Conference venue

The eduhub days 2017 will take place at the in the Main Lecture Theatre (Aula Magna) and the Red Building of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Via Buffi 13, Lugano.


Organisation by SWITCH

Conference fee and meals are offered by SWITCH. Accommodation is not included and must be organised by the participants.