Learning café II



Swiss e-assessment portal – tell us… what do you expect of it?

Petra Kauer, SWITCH; Philippe Zimmermann, UNIBE

In the project Learning Infrastructure we will build an e-assessment portal where information about tools, scenarios, local information, experiences and perspectives like competence-oriented assessments will be collected and provided to interested parties. E-learning centers and lecturers are two of the target groups.

What are your expectations regarding a computer-based assessment information portal? What help should it provide? How should it be structured? What would you like to contribute and how would you and your institution benefit from it best?

Recording and annotating videos with SWITCHcast: first impressions

Marc Sohrmann, UNIL; Markus Buerer, SWITCH; Dominicq Riedo, UNIFR; Ulrich Woermann, UNIBE

We will demonstrate a workflow that allows the automated recording of large numbers of videos while attributing AAI-based access rights. The videos are hosted at SWITCHcast and can be viewed and annotated by users with the corresponding rights. The annotation tool provides free text annotation, as well as structured annotation based on a set of etiquettes.

We will show and discuss learning scenarios that are currently using these recording and annotation tools (communication training in medicine, trial lessons during teacher education).

Games for learning

Willi Bernhard, FFHS

"Games for learning" is a project from SUPSI/FFHS with the goal, to open the door for game-based learning in higher education institutions by building a set of serious games which can be used for demonstration purposes as well as having ready a set for adaption for own game-based learning scenarios in teaching. The learning café will give insight into the project, its game-types, game-scenarios and learning themes. Participants are welcomed to bring in and exchange their own ideas as well as to share knowledge and experience in the field of serious games.

Authentic assessment and plagiarism prevention – how can we promote original writing in the digital age?

Hans-Lorenz Reiff-Schönfeld, Turnitin

Today’s educators and administrators struggle to promote the honest, thoughtful and legal use of information by students. With access to billion of Internet source documents, students can cut and past entire written passages in seconds. This, combined with a growing emphasis on performance and assessment, has led to pervasive use of unoriginal content in student work and research papers.

Can software help students become better writers, support instructors in their grading process and enable institutions to improve the overall level of learning?

Which platform for the SIG PLE?

Hervé Platteaux, UNIFR; Omar Benkacem, UNIGE; Denis Gillet, EPFL

The SIG PLE needs a collaboration and public online platform. Mainly three aims are associated to this future tool:

  • The possibility to collaborate, anywhere from Switzerland, on a series of common documents (as learning materials).
  • The possibility to publish PLE documents so that HE teachers and students can access, use and comment them.
  • To make a showcase of the SIG PLE.

Come and join us to discuss and elaborate the functions of this platform and to define the rules of this collaboration.

Outlining learning environments for the higher education institutions of tomorrow

Gudrun Bachmann, Tina Skerlak; UNIBAS

At the eduhub days 2012 we presented the concept of the ITSI project consisting of a workshop series with internal and external experts to outline future learning environments for HE institutions. In our opinion modern learning environments are spaces which have to cater for diverse learning and teaching scenarios representing both physical rooms, e.g. a lecture theatre or a library, and virtual environments. In the learning café of the eduhub days 2013 we will present the results from the five workshops about exam centers, teaching spaces, learning spaces, interspaces and teaching and learning labs. We are looking forward to discussing our findings with you in St. Gallen!

Moodle: training and support for teachers

Elisabetta Frick, USI; Pascal Piller, FFHS; Sergio Hoein, UNIFR

Despite being the most used LMS platform among Swiss Higher Education Institutions, Moodle is still a source of difficulty for some teachers and teaching assistants. In this learning café we would like to discover which resources have been developed (and may be developed in the future) by the e-Learning Support Centres of Swiss universities and UAS for supporting teachers in their teaching practices. To start the discussion, eLab (USI), NTE (UNIFR) and IFeL (FFHS) will present their own support resources and training activities, such as help or FAQ web pages, pedagogical scenarios, video tutorials, Moodle workshops, and so on.

MOOCs: too many learners left behind?

Jörn Loviscach, University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, Germany

The news keep reporting about tens of thousands of students starting a single Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). However, one can easily overlook that only a fraction of those students finish the course successfully. In addition, current MOOCs – be they of the connectivist or of the Stanford style – target the low-hanging fruit: Students who are motivated and are proficient users of digital media and require no face-to-face contact. How can one increase retention and/or access? Or, looking at a larger picture: Are the concepts of "courses" and of "academic education" as such good for everybody?

Infinite Surface

Alain Crevoisier, other; Emmanuel Fernandes, UNIL

Infinite Surface is a new concept for collaborative working and learning. Participants to the learning café will bring their own tablet, handheld device or laptop and will connect to the Infinite Surface server, which will create a larger, shared working surface formed by all interconnected devices. The base for the collaborative process is to manipulate virtual objects containing meaningful information (notes, pictures, videos, etc.), and exchange those objects from one device to another by a simple sliding movement. During the session, we will test this concept all together and discuss the possible uses in the education field.