January 29, 2020
13h30 to 15h30
3 x 35 minutes
You can submit a topic for a BarCamp session directly at the eduhub days 2020. The topics will be selected by the participants live during the conference. If your topic is selected, you will be the host of your BarCamp session. Each session has a duration of 35 minutes.
360° videos can be very beneficial for research in a very busy environment. In which educational settings this type of video can be useful?
Host: Oliver Müller, PHZH; timekeeper: Christelle Bozelle, UNIGE
What are the most important criteria for a good educational Video?
Host: Christlne Wälti, UNILU; timekeeper: Christelle Bozelle, UNIGE
Teaching with Video is fine. But how to instruct students, how to LEARN with videos?
Host: Wolfgang Widulle, FHNW; timekeeper: Stefano Tardini, USI
Can you flip your 90 minutes lecture into a 10 minutes video? Challenges of the flipped learning approaches
Host: Riccardo Mazza, USI/SUPSI; timekeeper: Stefano Tardini, USI
How do you effectively create videos with students?
Dos and dont's of Smartphone Videos
How can we increase social presence and social interaction in video?
Host: Daniela Lozza, ZHAW; timekeeper: Nathalie Roth, SWITCH
National collection of learningvideos to share
Host: Denise Felber, EHB; timekeeper: Nathalie Roth, SWITCH
How to effectively and succesfully use animation video to explain (complex) topics?
Host: Jacqueline Maatman, FFHS; timekeeper: Christelle Bozelle, UNIGE
How to make/use lecture recording efficiently?
What tools do you use for animations? What are your experiences?
Host: Reto Schürch, Careum; timekeeper: Stefano Tardini, USI
SWITCH video services user forum: Community building & new features. IDEA: Customers of the same services get to know each other, discuss new features & issue
Host: David Graf, UNIBE; timekeeper: Stefano Tardini, USI