Conference programme

January 30, 2020

Plenary sessions

Aula A 003, chair: Nathalie Roth, SWITCH

09h00-09h15 Review of the first day
David Graf, UNIBE
Recording on SWITCHtube
09h15-10h00 Keynote by Martin Merkt:
What makes a good instructional video? Insights from educational psychological research.
German Institute for Adult Education – Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning
Recording on SWITCHtube

Tutorials & workshops

Seminar rooms, 10h00-11h00 (55 minutes)

Timekeepers: Christelle Bozelle, UNIGE; Nathalie Roth, SWITCH; Hervé Platteaux, UNIFR; Wolfgang Widulle, FHNW

Coffee break

11h00-11h30, In front of Aula A 003

Plenary sessions

Aula A 003, chair: Patrick Roth, UNIGE

11h30-12h15 Keynote by Emily Nordmann:
Study skills and strategic use of lecture capture
University of Glasgow
12h15-12h30 The Oscars eduhub days 2020 Awards
Giorgia Mora, USI; Patrick Jermann, EPFL
12h30-12h45 Summary and closing
Urs Eppenberger, SWITCH


12h45-14h00, In front of Aula A 003

Side event: ETWG Assembly meeting

14h00-16h00, room A 201


Programme commitee

Carola Brunnbauer, PHZH; Christelle Bozelle, UNIGE; David Graf, UNIBE; Giorgia Mora, USI; Hervé Platteaux, UNIFR; Jacqueline Gasser-Beck, UNISG; Nathalie Roth, SWITCH; Pascal Xavier Schmidt, ETHZ; Patrick Jermann, EPFL; Patrick Roth, UNIGE; Roman Suter, UNIBE; Wolfgang Widulle, FHNW