eduhub days 2019

Teaching and learning in the digital world

Digitalisation is omnipresent in discourses about society, work and education. It is an expression that englobes many aspects: Being able to use new technologies and to apply them in a way, so that they are the most efficient for our intentions. It affects the way we teach and the way students learn. It also refers to a more fundamental change in the disciplines and the process of scientific knowledge creation.


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About this event
Begin13.02.2019 - 09:00
End14.02.2019 - 16:00
LocationUniversity of Zurich, Rämistrasse 71, Zurich, Switzerland
Community eduhub days
Twitter #eduhubdays19
Conference programme
Parallel sessions
Photos & Music

During the eduhub days 2019 we will focus on how digitalisation affects teaching and learning practices in our daily activities. How can we best leverage public awareness and interest for digital technologies to transform our universities? We will look at methods and practical experiences in applying new technologies for higher education, such as augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence, robotics and learning analytics.


We count on your ideas and experiences

The eduhub days 2019 will be shaped by your inputs: You will be able to present the way you use new technologies at your institution either in a tutorial, in a BarCamp or in a digital exhibition. In the tutorial you can share your experiences in the form of a short tutorial course with the community, and in the BarCamp you can directly suggest topics you would like to discuss with the community. In the digital exhibition you will have the opportunity to present and experience new technologies for higher education, such as augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence, robotics and learning analytics.


Organisation by SWITCH

Conference fee and meals will be offered by SWITCH. Accommodation must be organised by participants.
See our hotel recommendations.