Goals and resources

Swiss Academic Moodle Community (SAMoo)

SAMoo is a community for Moodle administrators at Swiss Higher Education Institutions. We meet one to two times a year to exchange knowhow and best practices in didactic and technical fields related to Moodle, and we start new projects and coordinate activities together.


Our goals

  • Differentiate from the international Moodle community and address Swiss specific questions (e.g. SWITCHaai and SWITCH edu-ID).
  • Speak with one strong voice to national and foreign bodies.
  • Establish a "Swiss Moodle cookbook" with a collection of tutorials of Swiss Higher Education Institutions.
  • Develop plugins together (e.g. SWITCHcast plugin).
  • Exchange technical and didactical information and best practices.
  • Create a map of Moodle communities with their respective activities and specialities.


Moodle news

Find the latest Moodle news: moodle.org.news