10h00-10h30 | Welcome coffee |
10h30-10h45 | HSR and Moodle Frank Koch, HSR |
10h45-11h00 | Moodle at your institution Short update from all members |
11h00-11h15 | Course "academic integrity" on Moodle Riccardo Mazza, USI |
11h15-11h30 | Experience on using Moodle activity "workshop" Riccardo Mazza, USI |
11h30-12h00 | SEB 2.0: online exams or students private notebooks Daniel Schneider, ETHZ |
12h00-12h30 | Online examinations A concept for improving the core question types in Moodle Tobias Halbherr, ETHZ |
12h30-14h00 | Lunch |
14h00-14h30 | Moodle 2.7: features of upcoming LTS-release Samuel Witzig, ZHAW |
14h30-14h45 | Evento Moodle interface Wolf Stettler, ZHAW |
14h45-15h15 | Miscellaneous/decisions and next steps |