Goals and projects

Join this SIG if you are interested in how game design principles & elements enhance capabilities for sense-making, problem solving, and teaching. Our activities focus on applications of game based design in knowledge creation (research & methodology), knowledge application (initiatives & programs), and knowlegde transfer (projects & collaboration, including competence building / teaching).

Purpose and goal

This SIG will explore and experiment with the application of Game Based Design in the context of universities and other institutions of higher education. Purpose is to advance and promote knowledge as well as practice of the art.


Remarks regarding scope

The scope shall cover institutions of higher education's core activities (research and teaching, both including transfer) as well as selected focal topics like innovation, collaboration, decision making, organisational design and other as suggested by the SIG's members.

Though the focus of this SIG shall be on game BASED design (as opposed to GAMES), application of games in the narrow sense (e.g. serious games, simulations) is also covered.

Target groups are current as well as potential practitioners and decision makers who might apply / use / benefit from Game Based Design.


Some clarifying remarks concerning terms

"Design" shall refer to the activity to purposefully create and shape the structures and elements of contexts for action in order to influence people's affective states and/or behaviour (=desired impact).

"Game Based" shall refer to the effective application of game elements in the above mentioned design.

"Game Elements" shall refer to "artefactual or social elements that are characteristic to games" (Deterding 2011).


Projects and outputs

  • Exchange among interested audiences.
  • Organisation of workshops and events, both physical and virtual.



  • Introduction and onboarding for newcomers and (non-practising) decision makers.
  • Training (probably certification) for practitioners.


Collection and curation of resources

Collections and lists of events, experts, projects, tools and other resources related to Game Based Design.



  • Deterding, S., Dixon, D., Khaled, R. Nacke, L. (2011). From game design elements to gamefulness: "Defining "gamification". In MindTrek'11. ACM. doi: 10.1145/2181037.2181040
  • Landers, R., Auer, E., Collmus, A., Armstrong, M. (2018). Gamification Science, Its History and Future: Definitions and a Research Agenda. Simulation & Gaming 2018. Vol. 49(3), P. 315-337. DOI: 10.1177/104687811877438