Use data and analytics to improve your teaching practice – 2 courses starting 30th Oct and 6th Nov / online

Online learning and the use of data analysis? Should go hand in hand, right? If you would like to know more about how the analysis of data and online breadcrumbs left behind by your students, and how those can be used in a productive manner within teaching, we run again an improved version of our two last year courses!

16. October 2023, Martin Hlosta, FFHS

At our UNESCO Chair on Personalized and Adaptive Learning (Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences), we specialise in learning analytics and how to incorporate students’ data into learning techniques. How can we best utilise online behaviour on learning platforms in our teaching?

This and much more will be discussed in our MOOC Learning Analytics for Teachers, specifically tailored for teachers, lecturers, or instructional designers. On the other hand, Basics of Adaptive Learning is suitable also for researchers or anyone trying to get into the field of Adaptive Learning in online environments.
Are you interested and want to learn more?

Enrol or learn more about Learning Analytics for Teachers:
Start 6 November 2023
Duration 5 weeks
Study load 4-6 hours/week
Language English

Enrol or learn more about Basics of Adaptive Learning:
Start 30 October 2023
Duration 5 weeks
Study load 4-6 hours/week
Language English
